Firstly, combing the history skeleton of Sociology, explaining why the interpreting competence of Sociology declines following the instruction of positivism. 首先,梳理社会学发展的历史脉络,通过其对生活问题的遗忘与回归着重阐述了传统社会学在实证主义指导下产生了解释力下降的问题。
Though comparative analysis of pouring length of encased concrete have been taken to every concrete arch bridge with stiff skeleton, the construction can not be the perfect instruction to the arch bridge construction. 虽然国内针对每一座劲性骨架混凝土拱桥都开展了外包混凝土浇筑长度的对比分析,但其成果不能很好地指导类似拱桥的施工。